Analyse your company's situation and figures with merlin

To cope with the containment measures that have impacted on all businesses, the state has put in place support measures for which you may be eligible. We will show you how to gather your figures in your software in order to analyse the situation of your establishment and apply for state aid.

step 1

Etape 1 - Analyser la situation

step 2

Etape 2 - Analyser la situation

step 3

Etape 3 - Analyser la situation

step 4

Etape 5 - Analyser la situation

step 5

Etape 5 - Analyser la situation

les états à consulter

All shows:
379: Change in number of visits services N-1
318: Change in service turnover N-1
184: N-1 average by period
1249: Average N-1 show


Merlin shows:
198: Annual Salon N-1 Scorecard


Success shows:
1246: Annual Scorecard
1514: Month by month sales including VAT year N-1

If you still have difficulties setting up your software, please feel free to contact us by phone 0442900777, by email at, our technicians are at your disposal.

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